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  • Can i switch what yacht I'm on every year?
    Yes and No. The yacht you are a member of is the one you will be on every year, there is an option to upgrade (or downgrade) to a different yacht assuming there is availability.
  • What does my membership include.
    Your membership guarantees 2 weeks of reserved time on the yacht you are a member of. What you do with this allotted time is up to you, you can give it to family, sell it to friends or use it yourself. You must pay the maintenance fees every year to remain a member, and the cost of running the yacht for your reserved time is your responsibility as well.
  • Do i have to use the yacht 2 weeks a year?
    No you are not obligated to use the yacht, if you don't use it you're still responsible for the yearly maintenance fees however. You are also responsible for any time you book the yacht even if you don't show up for your reserved time. If you cant or don't want to use a portion of or all the guaranteed time then we will look for a member that may want to use it for additional time.
  • Can i sell my weeks if I'm unable to use them?
    Yes they are yours to do what you'd like. If you're not going to use them you'll just have to let us know who will be and fill out a time transfer document. If you reach out to us we can also help with finding someone to take them over and will compensate you for them as much as possible putting some money back in your pocket!
  • Can i use more than 2 weeks if i want it?
    As long as there is availability you can use as many weeks as you'd like! If you want to use 6 weeks a year and there is open time you're more than welcome to book that. You will only be responsible for the additional running cost incurred while you have it booked. No extra fees or extra maintenance fees! However if you want additional guaranteed time there will be additional fees associated with that.
  • Why would i have a membership when i can just charter a yacht when i want it?
    #1 The cost associated with chartering is significantly higher if you use it more than 2 weeks a year or if you charter it for 2 years in a row. #2 You have no guarantee of being able to find a decent yacht in the time frame you'd like. #3 If you cannot use your time at some point we will help you try to find someone to use that, and will compensate you for that time if we can. Putting money back in your pocket.
  • What are the benefits of becoming a member vs just buying my own yacht?
    Cost is the biggest benefit. It might cost you $100,000 to become a member for the first year but the second year of being a member will only be your maintenance fees which would be around $20,000 a year depending on what yacht you're a member of. That is cheaper than the cost of mooring a yacht in a harbor for 1 year. On top of that you would have to hire crew, arrange payments, travel documents, pay for all the maintenance out of pocket, insurance, registration, and stay compliant with the law. If you captain your own yacht you have that headache to deal with as well. Most people wouldn't see doing that as a vacation, however we do know some who definitely would haha. Also the average Yacht owner on average spends only 6 weeks maximum on their yacht. The other 46 weeks it just sits in the harbor costing money.
  • Can i get my initial investment back if i no longer want to be a member of my current yacht?
    Unfortunately we cannot offer a full refund of your initial investment. However when you sign your contract there will be terms for a buyback option should you decide you would no longer like to be a member. There are 2 other options, one would be to sell the membership to someone else, the best option in my opinion would to let us know you no longer wish to use your time and we will try to find someone else to take it over. If we can find someone to use your 2 weeks we will share any profit from the usage for those 2 weeks with you. Allowing you to recoup your costs and possibly even profit off of it long term. We don't want to ever make anyone feel like they are stuck with something they don't want any longer and will try our best to help in any way that we can!
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